Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Drama | Singing | Dance | Let's Perform on Stage

It is the count down to the Sonnets 2013 Showcase's, we have 3 showcases this year on 2nd, 4th and 5th July and all classes are getting very excited about performing on stage.

Sonnets Theatre Arts School showcases give the children the opportunity to work as a team and show a performance from each of the core disciplines Drama, Singing and Dance. The children are very proud of their work and there is such a buzz backstage.

It is important to take note that we are not selective (i.e. all pupils perform, not only the strongest performers). It is about the giving every child who comes to class the experience of performing on a professional stage each year, and having the opportunity to show their mums and dads what they have been working on.

We will be filming the dress rehearsals on the last day of term, for our next lot of promo films for the website, which will be ready to view by September. Please note, Andover and Salisbury class filming will be on Saturday 6th July (after the show), as they only have 9 weeks to rehearse!!!! 

Andover | Marlborough | Salisbury | Chippenham | Newbury | Swindon

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Children's Drama Classes | Building Confidence and Self Esteem

An important part of growing up is being able to cope with lots of challenges. Changing schools, sports events at school, presenting to the class on 'Show and Tell' days and making new friends.  Children start to develop confidence throughout their informative years from toddler to teen.

Sonnets Theatre Arts School  |   Confidence & Life Skills
Drama Classes for children build on the development of confidence and self worth through sometimes stepping out of their comfort zones to create a 'Can Do' attitude, to take on new challenges and enhance self belief.

Stepping onto a Stage to give a performance, whether big or small can have a huge impact on a child's sense of self worth, and over the years we have seen this at Sonnets Theatre Arts School with our own eyes.  Teaching children key life skills like vocal projection, improvisation, creativity and team work in acting class, is giving children of the future transferable skills for life.

Success and confidence building in one area of your child's life, can overflow into sporting and academic achievements to landing the perfect job in the future.

For children's Drama classes in your area go to www.sonnetstas.co.uk

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Youth Theatre | Sonnets Regional Youth Theatre opens in Andover

Youth Acting Opportunity

SRYT Director: David Phaure
Sonnets Regional Youth Theatre opens on Thursday 2nd May 2013 at John Hanson School in Andover for 14-21 year olds, who want to learn to act and be part of a performance team.

"The Youth Theatre will focus on Acting for performances, using a variety of both Live and Recorded Arts skills. We are currently working on a project with partners in London to offer acting competition opportunities and more exposure in the industry to this age group." Director, David Phaure.

The Regional Youth Theatre will be Directed by David Phaure who is a professional actor and trained at ALRA (The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts).  He has extensive experience of working with children and teenagers, and is a LAMDA Acting Coach (coaches right through to A Level & above) and also does Scholarship and Drama School entry training.  The first Youth Theatre project will be a radio play to be performed at a showcase in July.

To give more young people the opportunity to join in subs are only £3.  At the moment there is no audition to join this group, but this may change in the future. For more information go to facebook page. or visit our Andover Youth Theatre page on the website or call Dave on 07818 052552 (please leave a message or text if no answer and he will call you back, as he has a busy teaching schedule Mon-Sat).